Chapter - III


The Prayers (Salah)
 The Purpose of Prayer
 The Conditions of Prayer
 The Kinds of Prayer
 The Times of Prayer
 The Partial Ablution (Wudu’)
Nullification of the Ablution
Complete Substitute for the Ablution (Tayammum)
Special Facilities in Ablution
The Complete Ablution (Ghusl / Bath)
The Prayer Call (Adhan)
Entrance into Prayer (Iqamah)
The Performance of Prayer
1. The Early Morning Prayer (Salatu-l-Fajr)
2. The Noon Prayer (Salatu-z-Zuhr)
3. The Mid Afternoon Prayer (Salatu-l-Asr)
4. The Sunset Prayer (Salatu-l-Maghrib)
5. The Evening Prayer (Salatu-l-l'Isha')
The Congregation (Jama’ah) Prayers
The Friday Prayer (Salatu-l-Jumu’ah)
The Highlights of the Friday Prayer
The Significance of  ‘Eed Prayers
The Performance of ‘Eed Prayers (Salatu-l-Eed)
Shortening of the Prayer
Times When Prayer is Forbidden
Making Up For Delayed Prayers
The Taraweeh Prayers
Invalidation of Prayers
The Funeral Prayers (Salatu-l-Janazah)
General Remarks on Prayers
1. The Fatihah ( The Opening or AL-Hamd)
2. The Tashahud
(a). The First Part
(b). The Second Part
3. Short Passages of the Qur’an
The Fasting (Sawm)
 Fasting in Comparative Perspective
The Period of Fasting
 Who Must Fast?
Exemptions From Fasting
 General Recommendations
The Alms (Zakah)
 The Rate of Zakah
 The Due Recipients of Zakah
The Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Concluding Remarks about the Hajj
Final remarks Concerning The Application of Faith


Chapter - I     Chapter - II     Chapter - III    Chapter - IV    Chapter - V